On October 11, 2022, the Film Financing Market was presented within the framework of the Sitges Film Festival. The presentation consisted of talks and debate tables, and included the participation of experts in financing and technology who analysed the advantages of private investment in the production of audiovisual content.
The table formed by Ismael González, lawyer specialised in audiovisual taxation from the Cuatrecasas law firm; Igor Alonso, managing partner of Bestax, lawyers and tax advisers; Ignasi Estapé, partner at Arcadia, and moderated by Emma Bover, economist specialised in taxes and accounting at Metricson, addressed the topic: Advantages and risks of investing in cinema. All of them talked about capital investment from and thanks to tax incentives, its its pros and cons. Estapé highlighted that “for a producer it is one more source of financing, it was already there, but was not used, and now, that it is quite structured, it can be used. The fear to this type of investment has been lost because it is already consolidated. People who invest have a hard time deciding the first time, but the second, third or fourth time they hesitate much less and even dare to risk a little more”.