Jul 1, 2024

A New Talent at the Giffoni Film Festival


L’edat imminent (The Imminent Age),  the debut film of the Col·lectiu Vigília, has been selected by the Giffoni Festival (Italy) where it will premiere in the Generation +16! section on July 27.

The film was presented in the New Talent section of the first edition of Film Financing Market under the provisional title En vigília.

The Giffoni Festival is one of the most influential children’s and youth film festivals in the world. The films presented in this year’s Generation +16! section revolve around complex themes such as cultural identity, the pain of loss, resilience, death, or family responsibilities, as is the case with L’edat imminent.

The Col·lectiu Vigília is composed of Audiovisual Communication alumni from Pompeu Fabra University: Laura Corominas Espelt, Laura Serra Solé, Clara Serrano Llorens, Gerard Simó Gimeno, Ariadna Ulldemolins Abad, and Pau Vall Capdet. The film is directed by Clara Serrano and Gerard Simó, and produced by Ringo Media.

From here, our congratulations!