Jun 20, 2024

From FFM to Cinemajove


Lo carga el diablo and Valenciana, two projects selected to participate in the first edition of Film Financing Market, are presented in the Official Feature Film Section of the Valencia Cinemajove festival (June 20-29, 2024).

Lo carga el diablo is a comedy by Guillermo Polo featuring Pablo Molinero, Mero González and Isak Férriz, among others. It is produced by Batiak Films, Institut Valencià de Cultura, Japónica Films, Los Hermanos Polo, Volcano International Productions and À Punt.

Valenciana is Jordi Núñez’s film adaptation of Jordi Casanovas’ play of the same name, depicting Valencia in the 90s. It is produced by Pegatum Transmedia, Dacsa Produccions, À Punt and TV3.

On the other hand, Campamento Garra Oso, another project presented at the first edition of FFM, produced by Set Màgic and Rodar y Rodar, has begun filming and is scheduled for release next summer.