Oct 8, 2023

The New Talent section hosts the presentation of 4 projects

Film Financing Market is also committed to emerging talent. This year, four projects, selected in various editions of the Talent Week of Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya, will participate in the New Talent section of Film Financing Market next Wednesday, October 11.

The creators of these projects, listed below, will have the opportunity to present them to the financial entities that collaborate with the market. These presentations are behind closed doors.

Aya en el desierto. Animated feature film. Talent Week 2019. Pompeu Fabra University. A film by Verónica Adell and Julia Horrillo.

Braves. Series. Talent Week 2022. Blanquerna-Ramon Llull University. A project by Olivia Vila, Irene Soriano, Laia Castilla.

Dies d’estiu i de pluja. Fiction feature film. Talent Week 2021. Pompeu Fabra University. A film by Àlex Serra, Mireia Labazuy, Clàudia Vila, Miquel Roig, Eva Picazo, Carla Sánchez.

En vigília. Feature film coming of age social/drama. Talent Week 2021. Pompeu Fabra University. A film by Col·lectiu Vigília.